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After the Manchester Arena bombing on 22nd May 2017, the Department for Education gave funding to the North West Educational Psychology Services. This was used to create a set of face-to-face training materials to support schools when a critical incident occurred.

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As part of a doctoral research thesis, the original face-to-face training has been adapted into an online resource by a Critical Incident Task and Finish Group from across the North West of England. 


The slides from the original training have been included alongside text which expands upon the information within the slides. The sections can be used in isolation or as a whole, therefore, there may be some slight repetition between different sections. The slides from the original training are included in the ‘Useful Links and Resources’ section and they include some of the original notes used by Educational Psychologists to deliver the training. The updated slides, which have been tweaked slightly for the purpose of this resource, are also included in the ‘Useful Links and Resources’ section.


This resource is intended to be used by both Educational Psychology Services and school staff (e.g. Senior Leadership Team, Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinators). The expectation is that school staff will use this resource under the direction of their link Educational Psychologist, in order to ensure that it is used appropriately and that the well-being of all accessing this resource is maintained.

Current Context

Clip of Longfella poet, used in the original face-to-face training. 

Health Alert


Critical incidents are, by their nature, distressing. This means that anyone looking at these materials online could find the experience upsetting. We would advise you to be mindful of this, both when reviewing the content yourself, (even if you have already attended the training) or when introducing the materials to one of your leadership team. You might first want to check that this is an appropriate time for the person to be viewing the materials (e.g. consider if the person has had a recent or unresolved traumatic experience, memories of which may be triggered by viewing the materials). 


In being mindful of the wellbeing of your staff when viewing the materials, we would suggest you collaborate with your leadership team members to check firstly whether this is an appropriate time for them, personally, to be accessing this content. For any of your team going ahead with accessing the materials, you might want to have a conversation together with them beforehand to acknowledge the possibility of being impacted emotionally and again to have a conversation with the team member afterwards to check-in with them to see how they are feeling and plan for support if needed.  

Health Alert

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